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3 night Pulse Oximetry Sleep Test for Sleep Apnea detection

3 night Pulse Oximetry Sleep Test for Sleep Apnea detection

Regular price $300.00 NZD
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Sleepco 3 Night Pulse Oximetry Sleep Test

This 3-night test will help determine the presence of sleep apnea, and help determine whether positive airway pressure therapy (CPAP/APAP) may be required or further investigation recommendations.

Note: A $200 bond is required. Please select shipment and bond at checkout. Once you have returned the equipment in good working order, your bond will be returned to you. Your results will be delivered to your email within 2-5 working days.

This is a basic test suitable for assessing the presence of sleep apnea by way of monitoring your oxygen desaturation index over three days. If any OTHER sleep related disorders are suspected, you will be notified or other tests recommended. 

For a more comprehensive test, ask us about a polysomnographic sleep study.

How does this test work?

A device is sent to you to wear for 3 nights and is then returned to a specified address (free of charge, postage bag included).

You will get a 3 night report which monitors your heart rate and saturation levels throughout the night. The results are then analyzed and your oxygen desaturation index (ODI) is assessed to indicate breathing difficulties.

All reports are sent back to you and can be shown to your doctor if required. An indication of mild, moderate or severe sleep apnea is provided in this test based on your ODI score.

The test / equipment rent for 3 nights costs $300. A $200 bond is also required, returned to you once the device is returned in good working order. Once the device has been returned, your results are sent to you and a suggestion is made in terms of possible treatments.

This test is recommended for you if:

  • You feel excessively drowsy during the day
  • Get enough sleep but still feel tired
  • Have headaches, difficulty concentrating or mood swings
  • Have high blood pressure, overweight, fatigued
  • Snore or wake up with a sore throat
  • Have difficulty waking up
  • Frequently urinate throughout the night

Sleep apnea is an underdiagnosed condition. Our overall sedentary lifestyle means we are more susceptible to nocturnal breathing issues. It can be caused by our overall habitus to our nasopharyngeal muscle tone and crowding, size of our tongue, size of our tonsils to the shape of our jaws. Luckily there are several treatment options available for sleep apnea sufferers. The earlier it is diagnosed the better. You can use these results to discuss with your doctor or to trial CPAP / APAP machine as an immediate form of treatment.


Disclaimer: By purchasing this service you understand and agree to the following:
Sleepco and its constituents do not diagnose medical conditions. 3 Night Pulse Oximetry Sleep TestSleep is undertaken in the comfort of your own home. The raw data is extrapolated from the devices and interpreted using vendor software. Your sleep data may be shared with third-party health professionals by the technologist if further evaluation of your results is required. The analyses of your results will be interpreted by our sleep coach technician and explained to you in full detail. Treatment guidance and education based off your results will be provided to you as part of the service. While the scope of this test yields high accuracy in the determination and discovery of some sleep disturbances such as obstructive sleep apnea, this service cannot rule out all possible conditions that may be contributing or causing daytime sleepiness or reduced quality of sleep. The 3 Night Pulse Oximetry Sleep Test focuses on your blood saturation to detect any cessation of breathing. An EEG-channel polysomnographic test is required to discern between OSA and CSA. Where applicable, guidance will be provided about what treatments are available based on your results. If your ODI is within normal limits during all 3 nights, it is highly recommended that you discuss your daytime sleepiness with your doctor as you may require a blood test or other tests.


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